{I’m taking a wee break from the informal “series” I’ve been
working my way through here, because this came to mind. And as I posted on
Facebook this evening, I’m seeking to live in the moment, rooted in God.}
I’m a slow learner.
It might be that sometimes I’m good at hiding it, because I
always try to look like I have everything together. But that doesn’t change the
I’m still a slow learner.
Especially when it comes to the most critical lessons of
all: those in the spiritual realm—relating to God, and those in the community
realm—relating to others.
I so easily forget so many things.
Like conveying messages for people. Like the fact that my
roommate wouldn’t be here tonight. Things slip through cracks in my mind so
very easily, usually because I’m focused and consumed with myself and my own
Lessons that I “ought” to have learned must be repeated over
and over, because I have failed to learn them with my heart.
My head knows the truth—I like being able to have all the
doctrinal boxes checked: God is good. God is in charge. My life is in His
hands. I’m trusting Him. My satisfaction is found in Him alone. He’s doing all
things for His glory. He’s the one who controls my life. He’s on the throne of
the Universe.
Still, somehow, there’s a communication breakdown. Not with
my mouth (or in many cases, my fingers—writing or typing). I can say all the
right words.
But how often does my heart believe it? How often do my
actions show it? As I look back on the past months and years, even as I review
my journal from last fall….I must admit not as often as I would like.
Sometimes I get so caught up in analyzing what I’m thinking,
feeling, doing…I get so busy trying to process the things I’ve been through,
that I forget to love people. I forget to live as Christ’s ambassador…because I’m
examining myself under a microscope.
How does one trust
God in daily life? How does one reflect His image to others?
Honestly, I feel like I don’t know how to do that very well.
But I want to learn. And I hope I am, bit by bit (or as they say here, "slowly by slowly").
Sometimes (oftentimes), it gets to a point where I’m too
full. Where I can’t read another chapter, where I can’t digest another article
from someone’s blog. But I’m bad at actively seeking and finding outlets for
what I’m taking in. I try to process it through writing, and end up questioning
what good that does.
As an introvert, I physically don’t feel like it’s possible
for me to be around people all the time. But people are what matter most after
God, right? How am I to live a life of total service and love? Obviously, I can’t
in my own strength.
Today I was catching up on a friend’s blog. I was working on
a major processing project. I’m in the middle of a blog “series” that I want to
write the next one of. I’ve got a couple work assignments I could work on. So
many directions I could go, so many ways I could spend my time.
But instead, I went and lay out under the stars for a while.
I sought to take a breath, to be still before my Creator. And I took comfort
that Christ, my model – even He had to take times when He got away from
ministering to the people around Him, times of prayer and spiritual nourishment
alone with His Father.
Most certainly, I am not saying that I have been serving
like my Master served. Not nearly. I often think much about reaching out to
people and touching their lives in a way that will have eternal value. But
usually I end up in my hut, sometimes trying to satisfy my own selfish desires…sometimes
in activities with a nobler goal but still with a me-centered practical result.
So this post doesn’t pretend to have the answers.
It’s just me being real…recognizing an issue.
But I don’t want it to stop there. It so often does with me.
Last fall, I recognized a path my thoughts and feelings were leading me down.
And my actions continued taking me down that same path. And that had
I have 17 full days left here at Kasana. I don’t want to
waste those days. Abba Father, show me how to invest the time You have given me
here. Help me listen to Your conviction & promptings. Teach me to trust.
I am simply a shooting star in the sky of God’s plan. A
momentary blip. But I am a person over whom God has made claim. I have been
bought with a price—my life is not my own. I want to spend it in His service.
For the sake of His great name.