I know this is a few months early for my fellow Americans…..
But here at New Hope Uganda, tomorrow we will be having our annual Thanksgiving
Sunday service. And so in that spirit, I wanted to share some of the things I
am so very thankful for in this season of my life.
First of all, I am incredibly thankful for our Abba, Father –
the fact that He is present and active in the lives of His children is an incomprehensible gift!
I am thankful for our Savior, for His patience and undying
love for us. Words utterly fail to describe what He has done and continues to
do for the glory of God, of which we are beneficiaries!
“This is a faithful saying: For if we died with Him, we will also live with Him. If we endure, we shall also reign with Him. If we deny Him, He also will deny us. If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself.” 2 Timothy 2:11-13
I’m also thankful for Paraclete, the Holy Spirit, who lives
within God’s beloved sons & daughters and continues working and interceding
for our sanctification.
I’m so thankful that I am never alone, for this is the
Triune God who is ever-present with us.
I’m thankful for my biological family, especially my
parents. Their constant love and care and prayers and support mean more to me
than I can ever say.
I am also thankful for my massive spiritual family –
literally located around the globe. So many names I could mention here – names of
prayer supporters and encouragers, names of friends. Many of whom I have not
seen in recent months, but who I know care nonetheless.
I’m thankful for my New Hope family too – again, so many
names I could pull out of people who have invested in me in ways small and
large. People who have opened their hearts and homes to me; people I have been
able to stand with and work alongside. People who, while not perfect, seek to
serve God through loving His “least of these.”
I am thankful for the gift of fellowshipping for a week in
person with a friend & apartment-mate from college days. Her presence was
such a gift and she is part of the reason I am writing this right now!
I’m thankful for the beauty of God’s creation! For the
birds, the flowers, the stars my friend and I enjoyed during a dark night power
out. This world is so amazing in its variety and ingenious design.
This list could go on and on…..
When I choose gratitude and thankfulness as my glasses, I
see so much that is good and blessing in my life. Yes, there are hardships and
challenges. But I – we! – are called to give thanks in all things. And so this
evening, I praise God for the many gifts He has given me…..above them all,
Himself in relationship.
To God be the Glory, great things He has done!