Since I know that God
is good, will I be willing to trust Him to do what is best—first for His glory,
but also for myself and each of His children?
That question has been developing in the background of my
mind a LOT over the past year. And in the past nine months—full of ups and
downs and unexpected turns—a lot of my times of tears and frustration (and
there have been many….) have resulted
from the answer to this very important question being “no” in my practical, daily
If you want all the background and the long explanation that
demonstrates my “context” strength,[1]
I was halfway done writing it before I remembered that looking back and being
stuck in the past can also be part of my problem. This blog started with Philippians 3….and part of that is “forgetting those things which are
behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the
goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (vs. 13b-14). At
the same time, God does tell His people over and over to “Remember” what He has
done. I’m just not always good at maintaining a balance there.
Enough about me. In this case (or at least for this post),
I’m going to work harder to error on the side of leaving the past behind and
just talk about the Truth and the present. But mentions of the past will creep
in, and I may post the “full” backstory another day.
A couple Saturdays ago, I was blessed with a beautiful time
of meditating on God’s Word and fellowshipping with/worshipping Him. We needed
to have a long talk, so I headed out to the Enterprise farm and stayed there
for a couple hours. During that time, He brought together ideas from a year ago
and ideas from the past couple months, and it’s like someone had fit a bunch of
tiny puzzle pieces together and then zoomed out to show a more complete picture
as a result. And today God brought me back to that picture again.
I struggle with demanding “why??” of God. Over the past
year, He has been in the process of calling me out on that and instructing me
to trust Him. And He has been bringing healing to some old, deep wounds that I
had tried to stuff and ignore for a long, long time.
To quote from my journal entry that Saturday morning, even
though mistakes and bad things will happen in life, “God will use and redeem all situations (past, present, and
future) for the Ultimate Good: His Glory.
We are called to walk in humility in
light of that truth (Micah 6:8 and the labyrinth walk almost exactly a year ago), and we do NOT have the right to demand “WHY?” in a
self-centered way.”
My mind flew to the verse about “does the clay have the
right to ask of the potter, ‘why have you made me like this?’” That’s the
Esther paraphrase, so it took a little searching to find it….but thankfully I
did, in Romans 9:20-21:
“But indeed, O man, who are you to reply against God? Will the thing formed say to him who formed it, ‘Why have you made me like this?’ Does not the potter have power over the clay, from the same lump to make one vessel for honor and another for dishonor?”
My journaling continued: “That’s the key. And suddenly so very many pieces from the past
months and years fall into place. Yes, that truth is very Calvinistic. But it
is true, and in the end it’s what
brings peace to my stirred-up heart….And it is in the Ultimate Truth of God’s goodness and sovereignty that I can
REJOICE,” referring to Philippians 4:4 which “just happened” to be printed on
that page of my journal.
Yesterday morning before church I had already felt that like
writing this post. And then in church, we sang this song that says, in part, “We love You Lord, we worship You / You are our God, You
alone are good.” That brought together so perfectly my Enterprise farm time and
my island reflections that I couldn’t not write about it.
Because it’s certainly not a mistake that those
passages—“all things work together for good,” we are predestined to be
“conformed to the image of His Son,” and “O man, who are you…?”—are in such
close proximity (Romans 8:28-29, 9:20-21). Paul recognized that this was a hard
thing! In fact, his topic in Romans 9 (Israel’s rejection of God) brought him
“great sorrow and continual grief in [his] heart” (9:2). He was probably
preaching to himself just as much as to his audience when he wrote about the
potter having power over the clay.
He longed and yearned with all his being for his brethren
and fellow countrymen to recognize the truth he wrote of in 8:37-39 – that
nothing can separate us from the love of God. In 1 Corinthians 9:19-27, which
was preached on yesterday, he talks about the lengths to which he was willing
to go for just such a purpose. {I confess that my life is deeply lacking of a
similar concern.}
So knowing the truth of God’s goodness and sovereignty does
NOT mean that suddenly I am happy-go-lucky and without a care in the world. It
also does NOT mean that my freewill decisions and actions are without effects/consequences.
Another part of the song above references this too:
You asked Your Son to carry this,
The heavy cross, our weight of sin.
I love You Lord, I worship You;
Hope which was lost, now stands renewed.
I give my life to honor this:
The love of Christ, the Savior King.
The heavy cross, our weight of sin.
I love You Lord, I worship You;
Hope which was lost, now stands renewed.
I give my life to honor this:
The love of Christ, the Savior King.
My brain is kind of going in circles (that’s what happens
when I don’t plan these out before writing)…because that takes us right back to
Romans 8:37-39, which is why we can claim to be “more than conquerors through Him who loved us,” not through
our own striving, effort, or strength.
The past couple weeks, as it has felt like I have made a
huge mess of things, this is the only thing I know I can hold onto—that even
when I have acted in my own self-interest….or that even when trying my hardest
to do what is right and best has seemed to back fire instead—that even there in
the midst of my mess Christ is standing before God, who still sits on the
throne. And God sees in me Christ’s righteousness. And it is all undeserved
grace and forgiveness. And it is beautiful.
Do I wish I had made different decisions so that there would
be different results now? For sure. If I could rewind the clock and redo
things, I would in a heartbeat. But I can’t. What I am given charge of is the
present, going forward from this moment.
And in so many ways it’s depressing to know that tomorrow or the next day….or
even right now or later tonight….I will make mistakes again.
And I definitely do not want to be flippant and say “Who
cares if we sin! There’s grace!” (Romans 6:1, Esther paraphrase). But I do tend
to “could’ve, should’ve, would’ve” and get stuck in guilt. Some second cousins
of mine taught me a great old-style song that combats the former so well. Give
it a listen here!
At the same time, I do need to be careful in what I say and
do, and I must rely on the Holy Spirit’s strength and wisdom and not my own….
So much harder to do in the moment than it is to say and know and believe. But,
by the grace of God, we “press on,” trusting the One who began the good work
and promises to complete it (Philippians 3:12, 1:6). And amazingly, He promises
to use all things for His glory and the good of each of His children—in His eternal economy.
That is where my faith and confidence and trust are to rest,
even if (when) the results do not look like I wish they did in this life. No
matter what, God is good all the time.
According to my results this summer from the Gallup “StrengthsQuest” inventory,
this is my #1 strength. The poll’s “Quick Reference Card” describes it as follows: “People especially talented in the Context theme enjoy
thinking about the past. They understand the present by researching its history.”