What is the greatest thing in the world {other than God
Himself}? Some may say it is wealth, or beauty, or power. Christians might list
off things such as joy, hope, faith, trust, etc. But what is truly the greatest
thing in the world?
According to 1 Corinthians 13:13, it is LOVE which comes out
on top: “Now abide faith, hope, love, theses three; but the greatest of these
is love.” Love is greater, Paul says, than even the cornerstone of faith and
the capstone of hope.
Today is Valentine’s Day – a day used to celebrate love
throughout at least the western world. But is that feelings-oriented, romantic
love the type of love which Paul was referring to? I think NOT. The preceding
verses before his proclamation quoted above explain his definition of love. Go
read it for yourself—it’s a short chapter!—and see if you think it matches up with what the world
tries to sell as “love.”
Welcome back! If you read those verses very carefully, I
think you would be quick to agree with me that living out everything Paul says
love is seems like an impossible task. To mention just two, he says that love
“is not self-seeking” and “always perseveres” (vs. 5b, 7d). I don’t know about
you, but it’s pretty common for me to realize that I am focused on my own
wishes, or that I’m wanting to give up on doing things that are difficult. But
true love, by Paul’s definition, does not give in to either. So he seems, in
this chapter, to set an unattainably high standard, yet states (in vs. 1-3)
that without love we miss out big time.
Additionally, loving one another is a command. In the Upper
Room Discourse, Jesus gave His disciples a new marching order: “that you love
one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another” (John 13:34).
Jesus says in the next verse that this love will be a signifier of His
followers to the rest of the world! On His last night with His disciples, Jesus
took the time to urge—no, to command!—them to love one another.
The apostle John came back to this idea of love again in his
first epistle. In 1 John 4:7-19, he reiterates the importance of loving one
another. Just a few comments from this passage:
- God IS love (vs. 8, 16). His character is the definition of love, and love is an integral part of who He is.
- God loves us first (vs. 9-10). Even when we were running far away from God, He loved and wooed us.
- Our love is to picture the invisible God (vs. 12-16). When unbelievers see Christians loving one another, especially in unconditional and sacrificial ways, it is a testimony of God’s character.
- No fear in love (vs. 18). We believers can have confidence that when we face the potential of judgment we are covered by the blood of Christ because of His love for us.
- We love because He first loved us! (vs. 19).
The kind of love which Paul and John have described for us
is a pretty tall order – it’s pretty intimidating. What’s more, Jesus told us
to love as He has loved us (see Philippians 2:1-11 for a
more in-depth picture of that!). Again, we are confronted with the
impossibility of this task. BUT this is what God calls us to, and as He has
loved us so His love is to overflow from us to others.
It can be easy to think of reasons for why we should not
love this completely. What if I show
people this love and they reject me? Or I’m
too busy doing ____good thing to make that kind of sacrifice. Remember,
though: Paul said the love he described in 1 Cor. 13 is greater and more
important than anything else! What’s more, God has called us to do this.
Therefore, we should follow His lead and leave the results up to Him.
“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:34-35).
“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love. We love because He first loved us” (1 John 4:18-19).
**Last night the folks here at the Institute had our second
weekly worship meeting. My roommate and I were asked to lead it this week by
picking songs and sharing a little bit of a devotional. Since this is what has
been frequently on my mind and heart the past couple of years, this is what I
shared. It was only after I started considering talking about it that I thought
of the Valentine’s Day tie-in. Which is why it is also getting posted on here!
I must mention here a book to which I am partly indebted for
the inspiration of this post. I “just happened” to find a copy at a used book
store in N. Ireland this summer, and as I read it while in North Carolina I
couldn’t help but be impacted by it. It’s called Love: The Greatest Thing in
the World, and it is not-too-long—but deep—investigation of 1 Cor. 13 and
its application. I’ve been meaning to blog about it ever since and never
have…so this is at least a hint of what it has brought to mind.